Laura Gaskill • A Warm And Cozy Place For Books

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Peek Inside the Cultivating Simple Course

Hello lovelies! I wanted to pop in here and let you know that the Cultivating Simple Course + Community is open for the summer — since many of us are stuck in our homes a lot more than usual, why not make it the summer you finally clear the clutter?

Sneak Peek: Podcast + Project

To get a better idea of what it’s like inside the course, I’m sharing two things: the very first podcast, and the first project. I’ve often heard from former students that the podcasts are their favorite part: you can just pop in your earbuds and listen while you clear clutter. Enjoy!

Podcast Download:

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Cultivating Simple: Session 00 Laura Gaskill

Simply press play above to listen now, or click “download” on the right side of the player to download it to your device to listen to later.

Show Notes:

  • What to expect from the course.

  • The real reasons so many of us have trouble clearing clutter.

  • The endowment effect.

  • A 3-step clutter clearing process that focuses on what’s going on in your head + heart.

  • And finally, I walk you through your first few projects so you can get started on those right away.

Project 1: How to Take a Mindful Clutter Inventory

The very first step in our journey to a spacious, clutter-free home is getting a full, honest picture of the state of your home today. 

Choose a time when you can explore your home without being interrupted. Ideally, you would do this all in one go, but if you have young children, or just a very busy schedule that makes that challenging, you can break this up into a few short sessions. Depending on the size of your home and storage areas, this may take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more. Don’t rush it. This is your chance to get (re)acquainted with your stuff. 

You may want to bring along a notepad and pen, a camera (your phone camera is perfect), and a cup of your favorite tea. When you’re ready, walk through each space in your home, peeking into every closet, cupboard, and drawer, and simply notice all of your belongings.

Storage Areas and Hidden Stuff

Don't forget the garage, basement, attic, storage shed, and under and behind the furniture — all of that stuff you can’t usually see is important, too!

If you're unsure what's in a box or bin, open it up and take a peek inside. You are not removing anything. You are not organizing anything. Simply be present and accept your home and stuff as it is today.

A Different Kind of “Before” Photos

As part of your Mindful Clutter Inventory, I encourage you to take some "before" photos. The simplest way to do this is to bring a camera (or your phone) along as you are walking through your home to document what you see. These photos are not to share — they’re just for you. What I want you to do with the photos is to take a moment and really look at them. I find that looking at photographs of our home is a helpful way to gain a new perspective and get some distance from our stuff. Try to observe the photos without judging, but without making excuses either. Just see what's there.

Found this sneak peek inspiring or helpful? I hope you’ll join the class!