Beginning the Journey...

Today is the day ... the first session of my Mindful Clutter Clearing e-course has begun! We have a wonderful group, I can already feel the good vibes as my students get to know one another and share their stories. As any of you who have ever crafted a time-consuming creative project can probably relate to, this course sort of feels like my baby, and it's at once incredibly exciting and terrifying to put it out there into the world. But the word I have chosen to focus on in the year 2016 is BRAVE, so I'd say this is a pretty good start. ;)

And p.s., for any of you out there who were perhaps considering joining the class but hadn't gotten around to it yet, this is your LAST call to sign up! We've just gotten our first lesson + assignment today, so you would be right on track, but after this weekend I will be closing down the enrollment process.

Okay friends, I am off to get my weekend started, check in on my lovely students, and have some fun with my friends. Enjoy your weekend, and perhaps I will see you in class?



Finding Calm in the Holiday Season

Around my house there is gingerbread to be baked, beeswax candles and big batches of granola to be made, and gifts to be wrapped - but just for a moment, I want to step away from all of that. In the rush to "get through" the holidays, it's so easy to stop noticing the beauty and magic, don't you agree? Everyone in my house is either coming down with a cold, or getting over one, and so my thoughts are turning to ways to slow down and take care of ourselves right in the middle of this very busy season. We don't have to do it all, or even do much! I've been repeating "simple is best" like a mantra lately, and it seems to be working :-)

I want to have a party (I love parties!) but with "simple is best" firmly in mind, I am asking friends (who are more than happy to help) to bring a few dishes to round out a simple meal, and instead of rushing to bake cookies in advance, I plan to turn it into a party activity and enlist the little ones to help: win, win! 

In the evenings (or even on dark mornings) I find candlelight to be extremely soothing, even healing, especially in midwinter. Turning the lights down low, and lighting candles (and twinkle lights) all around the house is a wonderful way to slow down and simply enjoy the moment ... and during a holiday gathering, glowing light can do wonders for a less-than-pristine house! Getting outdoors in the fresh air is also so important - even when I have a cold, I like to get outside for a bit each day, because I find the crisp air refreshing. And perhaps most importantly, I keep trying to remind myself that the season does not end at Christmas - we have abundant time to bake, craft, and gather with friends. There's no need to push to fit one more thing into an already-full schedule.

Let it go.

Keep it simple.


Illustrated Gift Guide 2015

It's that time of December - the time when the highly organized among us have finished wrapping and mailing gifts, and the rest of us (myself included) are frantically shopping and making up a storm. I used to berate myself for not getting all of the shopping done earlier, but I've come to realize that I sort of enjoy the frenzy of picking out gifts close to the holidays. Mind you, I avoid big box stores and malls entirely after Thanksgiving (too stressful!), but I love checking out the holiday displays at local shops and online, and crafting things in my own home.

As I make my own Christmas gift list, I like to sketch the present ideas right in my journal. So, for something a little different this year, I decided to share a different sort of gift guide with you ... an illustrated gift guide! I am not a professional artist, but I hope you will enjoy it as a heartfelt addition to your seasonal gifting.

Most items in the Guide can be made in many different ways, or purchased from many different sources ... that was my idea, anyway, so you don't feel you have to track down exact items that may sell out, or are in the wrong price range. As far as DIY gifts go, with experience I have learned that simple is often best, and anything you can make in a big batch (I'm looking at you, granola!) is even better. I thought it would be helpful to include some further details, so here you go!


  • Gingerbread mittens, hand-dipped candles, felt ornaments, and forcing bulbs all come from the Winter issue of Sweet Paul Magazine
  • Instructions for teacup (or any vessel you like) candles can be found in Issue 8 of Taproot Magazine - but if you don't have the issue, there are also instruction on Amanda's blog Soule Mama
  • Recipes for homemade cocktail bitters - the Kitchn
  • Potato printing on fabric instructions on Childerhouse blog


  • Recently App (gift subscriptions should be available soon) that turns your phone's camera roll into a monthly print magazine - genius!
  • Heirloom cherry salad bowl from the Taproot Holiday Pop-up 
  • Anything by potter Frances Palmer is to-die-for gorgeous and perfect for a really splurgy gift for someone special

Well, I think that about covers it! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the Comments.

Happy gifting!

xo Laura

The Simple Pleasures of Winter

Since moving away from New England, I keep expecting winter to come. Any moment, I think. Any moment that chill in the air will turn a bit too frightful for a mere sweater, and we'll have to pull out the big down-filled coats and knit mittens and hats. Any moment that first magical snow will fall, bringing with it a hush that draws us a bit closer together. It's true that I am not a huge fan of winter. But I do miss that first snowfall, and the way our old neighborhood became quiet and sparkling beneath a blanket of white. Of course, the Bay Area has its own, more subtle take on winter, and I plan to take full advantage of all of my favorite cozy comforts while it lasts. Hot tea, homemade chocolate chip granola bars, warm sweaters, and glowing candlelight aplenty.

I love the Danish concept of hygge, which translates roughly to creating a warm, cozy atmosphere and enjoying time with family and friends, and that is what I hope to create in my own home. In fact, I find myself drawn to everything from the nordic region at this time of year - the Dala horse motif (seen on my favorite mug above), the Danish/Swedish tv show The Bridge, white floors, cozy sheepskins flung over chairs, Swedish mystery novels, the dramatic and unusual Dogme films (I especially love Italian for Beginners), Hanna Andersson, Ikea, Astrid Lindgern (I just read Pippi Longstocking for the first time with my son), saunas, and of course, the lovely Swedish coffee-and-cake break tradition known as fika.

It's funny, working from home you might think I work in my pajamas and take breaks whenever I want, but the truth is I often find myself working too hard, forgetting to give myself a break. If you work from home, perhaps you know what I mean? But part of the spirit of winter lies in slowing down and giving yourself a break, both literally and emotionally. Outside in New England, or in Scandinavia, nature couldn't be more clear: winter is when you rest. So yesterday I took an uncharacteristically long break to bake a batch of my son's favorite chocolate chip granola bars. The scent of the honey and oats wafting from the oven was deeply comforting - and when they came out of the oven, I stole away to my room with a wedge of granola bar, a mug of hot tea, and a stack of new magazines. The winter light was dim, and the rain was falling outside, so I lit a candle and enjoyed the sound of the raindrops. The sky feels so fresh after the rain, I've always loved that. 

I'd love to hear: What is your favorite season? How do you honor the changes in nature where you live, whether they are subtle or striking? What are you doing to care for yourself and your family this winter?

A Fresh Start, A Blank Page

First let me just say, welcome! I’m beckoning you with arms wide open (yes, I’m a hugger), inviting you into my little corner of the world. I started blogging seven years ago on Lolalina, and decided it was high time for a change. The biggest difference you may notice on the new site is the name ... oh hello there, it’s my name! Along with the eponymous site, I have been planning a shift in what, why, and how I blog. For all of you who know me through Houzz and Lolalina, fear not: I am still just as much of a design loving homebody as ever, and my love of all things hearth and home will (hopefully) only shine through more than ever. There will be tea and cake (and sometimes cocktails), and talk with creative folks.


What to expect

I will be posting a few times each week (quality over quantity!), sharing some of my own photographs and writing on all things house and home. Each month you can also expect a guest or two for a chat and home or studio tour. I hope you will take a moment to poke around the new site (thanks to the lovely Tracy Castro of Fair Morning Blue for the redesign!) and get cozy. I am so looking forward to posting here.